This demon prince's lair is located between the 2nd and 7th levels of Gehennom (and therefore between DL 27 and DL 36).
Asmodeus' lair is eligible to leave bones files. The entire level is no-teleport.
--------------------- |.............|.....| |....^........S.....| |---+------------...| |.....|.........|-+----------------------------------- |..---|.........|....................................| |..|..S^........|....................................+ |..|..|......>..|....................................| |..|..|.........|-+----------------------------------- |..|..-----------...| |..S..........|.....| ---------------------Legend
This core of the level is surrounded by normal Gehennom-like maze, and has undiggable walls; the only entrance to the centre of the level is via the right-hand door. The upstair is placed within the maze on the left side of the level.
The right-hand room contains three random &, and a fire trap, a magic trap, and an anti-magic trap, placed at random. The room with the downstair is occupied by Asmodeus, a ghost, and a horned devil; three random V and a random L are placed randomly within the left side of this area. The marked traps are a fire trap just inside the door of Asmodeus' room, and a spiked pit in the top-left chamber; additionally, two magic traps, a sleeping gas trap, an anti-magic trap, and another fire trap are placed randomly within the left side of the area, as are three scrolls, two weapons, two pieces of armour, two potions, and a gem (all chosen randomly).